

Desert island essentials with Rachael Olsem

Country, United States

Apr 11, 2023

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Rachael Olsem has joined our sales team as our new regional sales manager for Greater Los Angeles. Bringing 14 years of sales experience across the nonprofit, plumbing, and flooring industries, she comes well prepared for the role.


While we know where Rachael has come from, we wanted to take some time to get to know waht makes her who she is. To do this we asked her two simple questions. Read her answers below.

What interests you about the acoustics industry?


I love learning and sharing with others about anything that is technical and hands on! I grew up on a farm where access to resources were limited, which gave me the opportunity to become very self-reliant and inventive.  Plus I am hard of hearing and knowing I will be a part of creating spaces that will help others with similar issues is pretty neat.


What are are your five desert island essentials?


1) Swiss Army Knife


I grew up on a farm and as the only girl in the family, this shaped me to approach most scenarios pragmatically. Women, you know what I am talking about! Sorry guys…


2) Metal pot


Another pragmatic approach. I also enjoy cooking and camped a lot growing up. Did you know anything you make on a stove/in an oven, you can make over a campfire? I’ve made pot roast and baked a cake! It is all about the coals and a good Dutch oven.


3) My best friend


I am extremely extroverted, and I don’t want to end up like Tom Hanks with a volleyball as my only companion.


4) A hatch


Read the book The Hatch if you do not believe me. Also, I was a Girl Scouts camp counsellor in college and taught girls outdoor survival skills so this quiz was easy!


5) My dog Ripley


Circling back to my extroverted-ness…. she is a Miniature Dachshund mix and my social backup for the days when my best friend and I might need a break from one another.

Country, United States

Apr 11, 2023

Community, Interviews, News Article

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